Plastic Free Champion & Warriors

To become accredited as a Plastic Free Champion we have a criteria of the most polluted & problematic plastic items to be removed from the business.

For Food/Hospitality, the business has to remove:

  • Plastic straws

  • Plastic single-use bags

  • Plastic cutlery

  • Plastic cups

  • Plastic & polystyrene takeaway containers

For Offices & other services the business has to remove:

  • Plastic straws & stirrers

  • Plastic single-use bags

  • Plastic & polystyrene takeaway containers

  • Plastic cups

  • Plastic cutlery

  • Plastic water bottles

If the business has removed one or more of the criteria but not all, they will be accredited as a Plastic Free Warrior.

Keep your eyes peeled for this special certificate that highlights these leaders in our community.

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Featured Champions

C.C. Babcoq

C.C. Babcoq

RUSHI Cronulla

RUSHI Cronulla

Eadies Organic Whole Foods

Eadies Organic Whole Foods


Stay connected @plasticfreecronulla